After the Isor-Tsan Kiri War and the disaperance of the remanents of the enemy Tsan Kiri it was some time before the Isorians were to discover an abandoned hatchery of what wer to become known as the...
The X-howitzer is a large magnetic launcher built for lobbing shells over great distances. It is a common machine of war, one that every race understands the value of. They are the largest kinds of...
The plasma bombard is the most powerful and largest kind of mobile plasma weapon in the armoury of the Isorian Senatex ground forces. Its multiple looped plasma coils generate a tremendous energised...
The Skyraider design is a templated solo transporter concept that is in widespread use by the Vardari. It is an extremely lightly constructed machine best suited to rapid exploration and scouting. It...
The Freeborn trade technology, goods and services throughout Antarean space -- including the services of mercenary fighters. The best of these are native Freeborn troops and the very best of the best...